Monday, May 18, 2009

Celebrity Lookalikes: Takuya Kimura vs Jackie Lui

There are billions of people in this world so it's very common for two of them to look alike. Today I introduce you to Takuya Kimura (木村拓哉) and Jackie Lui (呂頌賢). I was watching a series which featured Kimura lately and thought that he resembled Jackie Lui. I was in absolute amazement after comparing pictures of both.

Above are pictures of Takuya Kimura.
Below are pictures of Jackie Lui.

So do you see the similarities? Which one looks better?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nice try, but they're the same person!

  3. yeah...they look alike... Takuya looks younger to me. Thx 4 the photos! I'm Jackie Lui's fan. Haha..=)

  4. I'm his fan too! from the 笑傲江湖 days =D can't believe it's been so long
