Some people can sleep anytime, anywhere, while others have a set time. As a university student, I have developed many sleeping schedules. Depending on the work load, I have tried going days without sleeping, only to crash afterwards and go into a 20 hour coma. I have had times when I found a really addictive game to play where I start the game after dinner and the next time I look at the clock, it's already 5am. Then I sleep for only a couple hours before class starts. I have also tried the more socially accepted "8 hour" sleeping schedule, where I sleep around 11pm and wake up at 7am. There are many other ways we use to get our sleep in, but does it really matter how we sleep?
As a fulltime student, I can tell you the best feeling is waking up all on your own, without the assistance of your alarm clock or your roommate or your neighbour mowing the freaking lawn at 8am. Right now I'm enjoying the last week before the summer semester starts. It's funny how during the course of the school year, I have a really unstable sleeping schedule. But now that school is out, I have a set time for when I go to sleep. For the past week and a half, I've been going to bed around midnight and waking up at 7am or 8am. I've never been a morning person, but I must admit that this feels pretty good. It doesn't matter how we sleep, but as long as we get the sleep one way or another, we're good!